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Disco through the Decades

What does my ticket include? Each ticket includes food from Los Mezcales, Salt and Pepper, and a buffet of appetizers and desserts highlighted from each decade.

What is a Silent Disco? Each guest will be offered a wireless headset that will stream three channels of music. If you are on the blue channel, but see someone lit up on the red channel, press your headset to change to that channel and listen/dance to what they are.  

Do I have to dance? Absolutely not. Think of a wedding reception but in silence. You will be able to carry conversations easily and turn on your headset as you desire. 

Are there assigned seats? We will have a few spots for our generous donors, otherwise it will be a relaxed seating arrangement.

Do I have to dress up? You may certainly come in a fun outfit from a favorite decade, but what you're wearing now is also from one of the decades we will be featuring. So, parachute pants, your favorite Travolta wear, or a casual outfit you'd wear to dinner, are all appropriate. We will have a prize for the most outrageous costume.